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Grant Professionals of Lower Hudson

Job Listing Service

Grant Professionals of Lower Hudson acts as a clearinghouse for grant writing job opportunities. We receive inquires from organizations that have positions to fill. GPLH emails these job listings to our members as one of the benefits of membership.

*To receive emails about job listings, join GPLH today.

Frequently Asked Questions about our Job Listing Service

How does it work?

  • Organizations seeking a grant writer or consultant send the job listing details to GPLH.
  • GPLH sends an email notice to all of our members with details about the the job opportunity. 

What sort of job listings does GPLH receive?

  • Full time or part time grant writers
  • Grant writers for temporary or permanent positions
  • Consultants to help with short term projects, such as reviewing, editing and/or polishing proposals prior to submission
  • Consultants for long-term contracts

Who are the professionals that make up GPLH membership?

Our members include organizational grant writers and grant writing consultants, as well as development and fundraising professionals.

How can an organization share a job listing with GPLH?

Send your listing, as well as any questions, to info.gplh@gmail.com. Please make sure the job description includes the following:

  • Name, location and web address of hiring organization
  • Job title
  • Details about the job opportunity (description of duties, F/T, P/T, permanent, temp, remote, etc.)
  • Salary if available
  • Name and contact info for person to reach out to if interested
  • If the job listing is online, include a link.
  • If there is a pdf file with further details, include as an attachment.
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