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Grant Professionals of Lower Hudson

GPLH Develops First Strategic Plan

05/14/2024 5:42 PM | Barbara Cervoni (Administrator)

By Maddy Shiering, Sheer Strategy Consulting, GPLH Treasurer

Strategic planning may be widely associated with large corporate entities, but it’s an important instrument for organizations of all sizes and types. A strategic plan furthers an agency’s mission by determining the priorities for a set time period and offers a framework for decision making. As such, the GPLH leadership engaged in developing a strategic plan this past year.

The Process

The GPLH Executive Committee began planning in June 2023 and identified a strategic planning committee, which consisted of the Executive Committee as well as a few others (Board members and other active GPLH members.) The 10-member committee worked together to set a structure for an in-person evening planning session in September 2023, facilitated by Maddy Schiering.

To frame the session, GPLH sought input from constituents. Board members were asked to complete a SWOT analysis, and a survey about GPLH offerings and potential unmet needs of stakeholders was sent to the entire contact list in advance of the planning session.

Using input from the SWOT and survey, the strategic planning committee developed three high level measurable and realistic objectives to focus on three priories: membership, financial, and volunteers, over a two year timeframe.

Sub-groups then developed specific action steps detailed with corresponding resources, timelines, assignment of team member responsibilities, and metrics to monitor progress towards meeting each objective. Notably, the strategic planning committee developed the objectives and action steps through an organizational capacity lens.

The Results

A two-year strategic plan with three high level objectives and specific action steps was adopted unanimously by the GPLH Board of Directors on March 11, 2024. If any member would like a copy, please email info.GPLH@gmail.com.

Learn About Strategic Planning

For more information about the strategic planning process, and for free resources on this and other topics, visit Maddy’s company website at www.SheerStrategy.com or contact her at MaddySchiering@SheerStrategy.com.

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