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Grant Professionals of Lower Hudson

Virtual Breakfast for Consultants

  • 09/12/2024
  • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
  • ZOOM


Do you ever find that you’re on your third cup of coffee at 3 pm, sitting at your desk, thinking: is this what all the other grant consultants are doing?

Are there times you feel like you’re winging it, times you think that you gave away the farm, and other times when you wish you could just ask someone: What would YOU do?

This informal virtual breakfast is an opportunity to share your concerns, questions, and ideas, and get feedback on anything related to The Magical World of Grants Consulting.

If you are a grant consultant and would like to connect with others who struggle with the same issues, then please grab your coffee and join us for this discussion to be held via ZOOM.

Bring your questions. We will network and help one another be as successful as possible. We look forward to seeing you!


Zoom link will be emailed to all GPLH members.

For more info or to submit questions ahead of time: email info.gplh@gmail.com.

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